Sunday, November 17, 2013

Letter to the breeder!

This letter was sent to Ms. Bowden on facebook on Nov. 13, 2013. I copied and pasted it onto my wall for the world to see after it was sent. In that wall post I included the following short paragraph. Also, in the wall post I had deleted the name of the facebook group I was referring too. I am not sure if that group is still in place or not, but I have no reason to hide anything. I am NOT going to stand idle and enable this woman by keeping quiet and so long as I am not committing slander she can't sue me as threatened. I have the freedom of speech! The group was Lisa's Spotted Family. 

(The paragraph in my wall post) 
A letter that I sent to my youngest dalmatian's breeder: I have nothing to hide and before things I didn't really say get told to any of the other parents, I will gladly share it myself. And please feel free to inform her that I posted this publicly - I have not used her name, nor her precious company name! I am PISSED!!!

(The letter)
I have no idea why I was unfriended and deleted from the (DOG - name removed) group, along with at least a dozen other puppy owners. I for one am not into the childish bullshit. I was a breeder at one point & I know the meaning of courtesy & respect. I have not said one negative word to or about you until today when I found out that Perdita had been bred again for the third heat back to back. Having bred in the past I would NEVER bred a female three times back to back. Maybe things are different with large breed females, but my vet recommended I never bred more than two cycles back to back and preferably allow at least one cycle in between. My girls also NEVER had more than 3 litters in their entire lifetimes & I do know that it is acceptable to breed small dogs at an older age than large breeds.

That is the ONLY negative thing I have said about you. And now I have been told that should I (or anyone else) use your "company name" on the new group that I created that we will be sued? You want to threaten to sue people, fine, but make sure you remove any photos of myself, photos that I have taken and the testimonial that I wrote from your website immediately. You seem to think that you can control the actions of approximately 100 adult men and women with your threats. Threats to sue us, threats to take our dogs away.

Well, let me make this clear to you - I have parents that did a fine job of raising me till my 18th birthday when I became an adult in the eyes of the law. I have made my fair share of mistakes, just as we all have, I am not claiming innocence here, nor superiority. However, I am saying that each of us acquired our dog from you and that so long as the contract is upheld by us (taking proper care of the dog) that you can not take our dogs unless we voluntarily relinquish them to you.

And the last time I checked I had the freedom of speech on my side. So long as I am not committing slander I can say what I want to say, but I can promise you that I will never recommend you as a breeder to anyone else that I know. Your dogs are beautiful and smart, well mannered, overall sound, but what they do not lack, you do! My suggestion to you would be that if you don't stop breeding that you stop keeping track of your puppies beyond the point that they get altered. If owners have a medical problem let them contact you.

And on that note, seeing as there are 11 puppies from Spanner's litter and around 100 puppy owners total, why where the owners of the siblings to the dogs that have been sick not notified, even those from prior/post litters? You notified me of a potential yeast infection from food, however failed to let us all know that 2 pups from our litter had already had kidney problems at less than one year old? I am grateful that Spanner has not had any issues, as of now he is of sound health. However, the already high potential for dals to have kidney issues and we were not informed of that problem, no matter how small? Were the other puppy owners notified that one puppy had to have corrective surgery on the eyelids because they were turned in?

If you can't tell you have ticked off someone that does not mind saying her peace to you or the world. I have bitten my tongue because I have not known what was going on and still don't, truth be known. I do know that I have now been threatened with a bogus lawsuit. All I can say is, go right ahead and sue me - you can't get blood from a turnip. But don't worry yourself, I for one will never ever use your name nor your company name again!

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